제품 정보
New knowledge distillation
Date | 2023.01.18 |
Speaker | 김태욱 |
- 이전글Learning physics constrained dynamic using autoencoder 23.02.08
- 다음글Clustering using silhouette coefficients 23.01.18
Paper review
1. Distilling the Knowledge in a Neural Network (G Hinton et al, 2014 NIPS)
2. Self-training with Noisy Student improves ImageNet classification (Q Xie et al, 2020 CVPR)
3. Knowledge distillation: A good teacher is patient and consistent (L Beyer et al, 2022 CVPR)
Keyword : knowledge distillation, model compression, self-training
230118 세미나.pdf (2.6M)
46회 다운로드 | DATE : 2023-01-18 14:10:51
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