


제품 정보

Introduction of OOD(Out-of-distribution) detection

Date 21.05.21
Speaker 이재민

Topic :
OOD(Out-of_Distribution) sample detection

Area :
Anomaly detection
Deep learning (Object detection, NLP, etc.)

Details :
two paper reviews
1. A Baseline for Detecting Misclassifed And Out-of-Distribution Examples in NN. 2017 ICLR
OOD의 concept 제시, 평가 metric 및 baseline 제시

2. Enhancing The Reliability of Out-of-distribution Image detection. 2018 ICLR
이전 Baseline 보다 성능적으로 우수한 method (ODIN) 제시
Using temperature scaling & input peturbation



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